My father believes his PC loses his stuff because it's filing clerk hasn't got a proper filing system, and shreds stuff just to spite him. Despite me telling him countless times that it wont delete something unless it is told to by him.
After one particularly spectacular loss of 200 photos from an expedition trip he did, I networked his PC to mine (he doesn't know this) - and now I back-up his stuff to my external HDD as soon as he downloads photos or saves a document. I manage to catch most things this way and just restore it across when his PC "loses" it. But I cant catch the things he doesn't actually save... "I sent that e-mail, I did press send!!"
I suppose this is my fault, because I explained a PC to him as a huge filing cabinet, the folders being the drawers and the sub-folders being the files, and each document in it's file; with a filing clerk that he tells to bring him the document to read - he needs to tell the clerk which file and which folder it's in.
Now i just tell him to work on bettering his employee relations so that the clerk wont sabotage his stuff out of spite because he swears at the clerk too much -.-